Our Values
Our experiences have distilled what we seek in teammates, clients, and partners.
Work Collaboratively
Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. Our team brings together experts in AI and healthcare to create a seamless, intelligent experience
Explore new solutions in healthcare, break challenges into manageable tasks, and iterate for better outcomes.
Advocate for Consumers
Prioritize consumer needs while respecting privacy, security, and efficacy. Be true advocates for consumers' health and well-being.
Help Healthcare Clients Succeed
Help companies improve healthcare experiences and embrace a global perspective.
Lead with Conviction
Bring innovative thinking to healthcare and apply it with partners, clients, and society.
“sending out light”
i.e. helping to illuminate complex problems in new ways
being “bright with joy”
i.e. how we aspire to treat our clients, and how we want them to feel when working with us
“source from which rays”
of ideas, insights, and solutions emanate
visually representing information in a clear and compelling way
and part of the essence of good data science
the mapping out of complex relationships and dependencies between objects
used in computer science and mathematics
the capturing of ideas in written form, thus making them accessible to others
its original meaning in Greek
Our logo plays off both of these concepts.
Its technical term is an astroid (which has the same Greek origin as the word asteroid — meaning “star-like”); so it’s literally a “star-like graph”. And when you look at how it’s drawn, your mind might be whisked back to childhood days spent playing with a Spirograph. We like that mental image, too: a set of tools that inspires creativity.